Articles by Alternate Author

Time-Tested Economic Theory Being Thrown Under The Bus

As Technocracy and its Green Economy encroaches on Capitalism and Free Enterprise, traditional economic models are being forever corrupted with non-economic factors. Traditional economic analysis depends on factual historical data. Green Economic analysis factors in unknown and unprovable climate change factors. The result will be absolute gibberish.

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Billionaire Tech Moguls Intend To Remake America’s Schools

Technocrat billionaires are taking over American education, recasting teachers as mere facilitators who administer self-learning modules created by the same Technocrats. This is a must read story. If you think 'government schools' were already corrupted with Common Core Education Standards, then you will really hate 'Technocrat schools' where parents will have zero input as to what their Children are taught

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Parents And Students Standing Up To Forced Gender Ideology In Schools

The UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include Gender Equality (#5), which it equates with human rights. In 2016, the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution clarifying Gender Equality: "Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation, and gender identity." As these policies have charged into American schools, parents and students are fed up and pushing back.

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