Articles by Alternate Author

Bill Gates To Build 25,000 Acre Smart City In Arizona

Smart Cities are a key component of the full implementation of Technocracy, because they are an comprehensive expression of scientific social engineering. Technologies pioneered by Gates' project will quickly weave their ways into other existing cities.

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Russia’s New Robot Tank Will Outperform Humans

Once standardized, these robots could roll off assembly lines like automobiles; their application on the battlefield will automate the killing of humans by an order of magnitude over WWI and WWII. Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is a need.

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Homeland Security Warns Of Weaponized Drones And Aviation Threats

Weaponized drones in the hands of terrorists are frightening, but remember that it was the Technocrat-heavy military establishment that developed the technology in the first place. This has sparked a massive arms race throughout the world, and is naturally trickling down to terrorists.

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Gov. Jerry Brown To Vatican Faithful: “We Need A Total, I Might Say ‘Brain Washing'”

Gov. Jerry Brown is panicked and incensed over Global Warming, demanding a forced global transformation. He states, "We need to wash our brains out and see a very different kind of world.” When Brown attended Jesuit seminary in his youth, they taught him how to meditate, apply self-mortification which included painful self-flagellation. Even as he admits that he wasn't transformed, he calls for the whole world to be transformed into a carbonless Utopia. 

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Superhuman: Brain Implanted Chips To Be Ready Within 15 Years

Read carefully: Obama's 2012 "Map the Human Brain" initiative is producing control freaks who want to achieve read/write access to the human brain. This includes reading, deleting, creating and altering memories. It would be the ultimate mind control mechanism ever created. Of course, it is over-hyped and likely impossible, but the fact that they believe they can do it is concerning enough.

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Founding President Of Facebook Warns It Is “Exploiting Human Psychology”

Sean Parker has regrets that the original team "understood this consciously, and we did it anyway"; Facebook produces a continuous low-dose regimen of dopamine leading to addiction. Even though Parker and a few other early players are recanting their earlier days with social media, Mark Zuckerberg is not!

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