Articles by Alternate Author

The Australian: Renewable Energy Is Bigger ‘Scam’ Than Bernie Madoff And Enron

Without the massive government subsidies received by wind and solar companies around the world, they would utterly collapse within months. Contrary to the marketing pitch, alternative energy has actually increased the cost of energy to consumers. This lopsided equation is thanks to Technocracy, which is obsessed with energy and control over its production and consumption.

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Neighbors Revolt Against Tiny Houses Saying They Will Destroy Property Values

Tiny houses are the darlings of New Urban Agenda to provide "affordable housing for all", but existing neighborhoods want nothing to do with them since they hurt property values. The UN's agenda of social engineering completely disregards anyone or anything that gets in their way or its anti-freedom programs.

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Dubai Hopes To Lead The World With Technocratic Smart City

For oil-rich Dubai, money is no object and its Islamic dictatorship poses no impediment for Technocrats to create the most Technocracy-oriented city in the world. Indeed, the entire Islamic world is completely sold out to the UN's program of Sustainable Development, New Urban Agenda, Green Finance, etc., and seeks to be the leader in all of these area. This amply demonstrates that Technocracy and Islam are not rivals, but rather are highly symbiotic.

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Nvidia Partners With Alibaba and Huawei To Build Smart City Platform

The venerable graphics giant Nvidia is leading the smart city revolution and has teamed up with the China Technocracy to expand their technology platform. What happens in China will not stay in China, since developed technology will return to its origin, namely, the United States. Already, China is the most surveilled nation on earth.

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Survey: Over 70% Of US Fears Robots Taking Over Our Lives

Seventy-five percent of the American public understands that machines replacing humans will increase inequality between rich and poor. Technocrats are validating their fears by pushing Universal Basic Income for 'unemployables'. Technocrats invent because they can, not because is it smart to do so.

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