Articles by Alternate Author

Debate Escalates As Power Of U.S. Tech Giants Grows

The tech giants (i.e., Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple) are following the same self-destructive path as the NFL, and they will pay a price for it. Governments are realizing the Technocrat threat posed to their existence and are rapidly starting to push back.

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Baltimore Ravens: Would You Take A DNA Test At An NFL Game?

Have the Ravens and/or the NFL gone over to the 'dark side of the force'? The company ORIG3N intends to sell your data world-wide. Read this from their Terms and Service agreement on their website: 

" hereby waive and agree to waive (or if not waivable, agree not to assert) any rights of privacy or publicity, or any moral rights or other similar rights, with respect to Your Content.  You understand and agree that you will not be paid or entitled to receive any compensation for Your Content, either now or in the future, including without limitation to the extent that Orig3n or other parties use Your Content, receive compensation from third parties for Your Content, or develop and sell products based on Your Content."

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Dental Surgery Robot Fits Implants Without Human Touch

Medical robots driven by data and AI are coming for doctors, surgeons and dentists. One day, such procedures will be totally automated and overseen only by lower-skilled technicians. Displaced doctors will not be pleased with the Universal Basic Income that they are likely to receive.

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UN Hails Establishment Of Technology Bank For World’s Poorest Nations

Herein lies the great development fallacy: U.N. Technocrats believe that every global problem can be solved by applying new technology. This is utterly false. Successful economic development has always been directly related to the level of private property and ownership and access to markets. The U.N. is bent on  implementing Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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