Articles by Alternate Author

EPA’s Secret Maps Back New Regulatory Push To Control All Water In U.S.

I wrote in May 2017, "I have warned for years that the Federal government would assert its full authority under the Clean Water Act that cedes all water in the U.S. to the them: from rivers, marshes, swamps, mud flats, drainage, playas, underground rivers, etc. The Feds are making a test case out of this farmer, and if they win, food production in America will drop precipitously." That day has arrived where the EPA - under a Trump Administration - seeks to exert its full authority. This is a must-read article for everyone and especially those involved with farming or ranching. 

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Is Trilateral Stanley Fischer’s Fed Retirement Really The Twilight Of Technocracy?

The Economist declares that Trilateral Commission member Stanley Fischer is a Technocrat and that 'Technocracy is in retreat' after his retirement as vice-chairman of the Fed. In that The Economist (UK) has long been a mouthpiece for globalization and the Trilateral Commission in particular, their article is designed to be mentally disruptive and misleading on the progress of Technocracy. Truly, Fischer is the consummate Technocrat, but his presence on the world stage only proves that Technocracy is the goal of members of the Trilateral Commission. Are they all of a sudden impotent little puppies? No, they are closer to their endgame of total domination than ever before.

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The ‘Internet Of Things’ Is Sending Us Back To The Middle Ages

Dr. Parag Khanna wrote, "We are building this global society without a global leader. Global order is no longer something that can be dictated or controlled from the top down. Globalization is itself the order.”  That is, you cannot even figure out who owns or controls this stuff, but it certainly is not you.

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Girl Scouts Take Lead To Advance UN Sustainable Development Goals

The deception of Sustainable Development has morphed into total societal delusion. While the nation obsesses about politics, this anti-American parade marches on by. Sustainable Development is Technocracy, pure and simple. It intends completely displace Capitalism and Free Enterprise, in which case there will be no political system left.

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Trilateral-Related Firm Snags $2.4 Billion Tech Contract From NSA

CSRA's first listed board of directors member is Michèle Flournoy, a member of the Trilateral Commission. She has been part of the revolving door policy in Washington, having served in Obama's Defense Department as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. She co-founded the Center for a New American Security think-tank in 2007, which has at least six senior officials who are also members of the Commission. This is a treasonous cabal of insider Technocrats who are themselves designing the surveillance system of our demise.

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Reason: It’s Time To Rein In Warrantless Domestic Spying Before It’s Too Late

Intelligence agencies that are run by Technocrats are data hoarders who are compelled to collect everything that is collectible, illegal or not. We have stated many times that American intelligence agencies have long-since gone rogue, becoming unresponsive to courts and legislators alike. They must be stopped, at all costs. This is not about intelligence to keep Americans safe, but rather about building a surveillance network that will eventually lead to Scientific Dictatorship. Listen to the video in this article! 

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