Articles by Alternate Author

The Incredible Legacy Of Antony Sutton: Persecuted But Never Prosecuted

Antony Sutton uncovered and exposed the globalist cabal and subsequently got kicked out of UCLA and Stanford as his books were blacklisted. I am proud to have co-authored Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II with Sutton, which was also blacklisted and suppressed. Your support to raise awareness of Technocracy News and Trends, which continues in his memory, is critical to the future of liberty and freedom!

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Google To Conservative Website: Remove ‘Hateful’ Article Or Lose Ad Revenue

Google is not just censoring content; apparently, it is now compiling a list of individuals who it will censor wherever they post, and on whichever website. Thus, websites will be punished for running stories by those banned writers. Google has gone completely rogue, having completely flip-flopped on its original motto, "Don't be evil." They are revealing the heart and soul of Technocracy - are you alarmed? 

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No Machine Should Ever Possess ‘Rights’ Or ‘Eternal’ Significance

Technocrats believe humans are little more than a randomized bag of atoms and molecules, and hence, humans are on a par with any other biological or non-biological thing. Their extremely low view of humanity leads them to think that we can and should be 'engineered' like any other element of the system of the world 

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The Long Arm Of Google: Trilateral Commission Censors Ousts Scholar From Think Tank

Two prominent Trilateral Commission members, Eric Schmidt of Google and Anne-Marie Slaughter of New America Foundation, colluded to fire Barry Lynn who had been critical of Google while employed by Slaughter's leftist organization. The Trilateral Commission was the lead organization who originally sponsored Technocracy beginning in 1973. (Read the full documentation in my book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation.) When Barry Lynn praised the EU's huge fine against Google (which it richly deserved), Schmidt wasted no time in contacting his Trilateral Commission crony to get Lynn fired. In similar fashion, Professor Antony Sutton was fired from the Hoover Institution for War, Peace and Revolution at Stanford University in 1975; Trilateral David Packard was then president of Stanford. Trilaterals Over Washington, co-authored by myself and Sutton, was banned from the nationwide B. Dalton Bookseller chain; Dalton's parent company had a Trilateral member on their board of directors.

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The Humiliation And Crushing Despair Of Living In China’s Technocracy

The Technocrat mind devised China's one-child policy in 1980 with zero consideration of the obvious human consequences that would result from it in subsequent decades. It was an inhuman demand to deny procreation, and now many of the older generation are in total human despair. Do the Technocrats care any more about them today? Apparently not. Technocracy is the 'science of social engineering' where the 'science is settled' and 'deniers must be punished.' Can you see how it was applied in China?

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American War Zone: Military Drones To Replace Police Helicopters By 2025

The green light is on for military drone makers to transform America's police force into a military complex similar to Afghanistan. Comprehensive geospatial intelligence will become ubiquitous, tracking every moving object on the ground. They will be equipped with super-high resolution cameras and AI-based facial recognition systems that will be able to identify a mole on your left cheek. License plate readers? Child's play. This is no longer an argument over privacy, it is now an argument over total suppression of freedom and liberty. In Technocracy language, it is the ultimate in Scientific Dictatorship.

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