Articles by Alternate Author

Weather Channel Founder Denies Climate Change, So ‘Put Me To Death’

Al Gore says the science of global warming is settled, but the founder of the hugely successful Weather Channel, John Coleman, says Gore absolutely wrong and his science is fake. The world will not listen to credentialed experts like Coleman, Willie Soon, Lord Christopher Monckton, Dr. Istvan Marko and thousands of other climate scientists who say the same thing about Gore.

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Billionaire Richard Branson Joins Technocrat Siren Call For Universal Basic Income

Branson visited The Elders, a small and self-appointed group of Technocrats that includes four members of the Trilateral Commission. The Elders are instrumental in the genesis of UBI. Keep in mind that the Trilateral Commission fed Agenda 21/Sustainable Development to the United Nations in 1992 as Agenda 21. The UN and others credit Gro Harlem Brundtland as the creator of Agenda 21; she is a member of The Elders and also a member of the Trilateral Commission.

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End Of The Checkout Line Spells Crisis For 3.5 Million American Cashiers

The 3.4 million cashiers in America make up about six percent of total U.S. employment, but they will face pink slips eventually. Technocrats who build the technology have no concern for the people they relegate to a new class of 'unemployables.' The best they can do is promote Universal Basic Income where government just hand out money to everyone in society.

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Google And YouTube Have Created A Culture Of Censorship

Google's chairman is Eric Schmidt, also a member of the Trilateral Commission and a died-in-the-wool Technocrat who is bent on imposing his ideology on the entire world. His platform has become his sledge hammer. Expect censorship to increase along with howls of protest from users.

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UN Geospatial Organization Lines Up with 2030 Agenda To Force Sustainable Development

Geospatial intelligence is the tracking of every moving thing in a society, including people and the Internet of Everything. That UN-GGIM is teaming up to enforce 2030 Agenda is designed to create Technocracy, and soon. Note the quote from the article: "China added that all governments should make geospatial information the primary source of data for social and economic development."

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Fighting Back Against Corporate Technocrats Who Abuse Product Owners

Technocrats at corporate giants like to project their autocracy on their products' owner, but several states are fighting back. Oppressive and unfair practices to deny product repairs except through them is keeping lawmakers busy. Technocrat lawyers are out in force to shut down consumer legislation.

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