Articles by Alternate Author

World’s Leading Physicist Says Quantum Computers Are ‘Tools of Destruction, Not Creation’

Proponents of Technocracy are counting on the coming-of-age of quantum computers to enable their science of social engineering and world control. However, this leading physicist says that quantum computers will be 'tools of destruction, not creation' and I think we should be asking some hard questions.

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Intolerance At Google Exposes A Massive Culture of Technocrats

Technocrats at Google have finally exposed themselves as the cultural frauds that they are. Tolerance is un-tolerance. Diversity is un-diversity. You believe their way, or it's the highway for you. Conservative values and opinions will get you fired. Incidentally, last year Google quietly dropped its original motto, "Don't be evil".

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5G And The IOT: Scientific Overview Of Human Health Risks

5G will enable and actualize the Internet of Things to be completely ubiquitous, but it portends huge health risks as EMF radiation blankets cities. Technocrats are not interested in testing this technology first to determine effects on human health, even though there are already known health problems. 

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China Embraces Blockchain For Taxation And Electronic Invoice Issuance

China is the purest expression of Technocracy on the planet, so it is little surprise that it is leading in implementing a digital blockchain technology to run its governance operation. Central banks around the world are already studying blockchain technology for ways to gain greater dominance over citizens. 

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California Ranchers Rebel As 1.8 Million Acres Set Aside For… Frogs?

This is an example of Reflexive Law being applied, which I explained in Chapter 7 of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. This whole twisted mess started when the radical Center for Biological Diversity (based in Tucson, Arizona) sued the state of California for alleged abuses that endangered a native frog, that required the U.S. Fish & Wildlife to intervene and sequester huge tracks of land. In the meantime, the ranchers are being forced to comply with regulations that they had no part in creating in the first place.

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Artificial Intelligence Will Lead To The Human Soul, Not Destroy It

I have long stated that the goals of Technocrats and Transhumanists are laced with pure fantasy, and will never be achieved as they envision. The 'soul' of man will never be downloaded into a computer. Robots more intelligent than man will never roam urban landscapes. This leaves them with the option of faking it, which they are already becoming proficient at.

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