Articles by Alternate Author

Scientific First: Human Embryos Now Being Edited In U.S.

It was just a matter of time, but the U.S. has joined the club of super-eugenicists who want to take control over the human genome and hence, human evolution. Hijacking evolution has long been the major dream of  Transhumans. It is no surprise that OHSU is located in Portland, Oregon, where ethics, morality and common sense are quite uncommon. Note that almost all sponsoring organizations like OHSU are funded by taxpayers.

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Cashless: The Globalist One World Currency Will Look A Lot Like Bitcoin

Brandon Smith is one of the first to suggest that the global banking oligarchy appears headed toward a single digital currency that resembles Bitcoin. I fully concur that this is the primary reason for removing physical cash from societies around the world. First, it forces everyone into the digital system and second, it paves the way to convert all the digital currencies into a single currency. Lastly, I fully expect that energy will be the touchstone regulator of the entire system.

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China Using AI To Catch Evildoers Before They Commit Crime

China will be the first super-power to implement total surveillance on all of their 1.4 billion citizens, which is a necessary goal in order to perfect their Technocracy. To a Technocrat, actual proof of committing a crime is not necessary for you to deserve punishment. History is riddled with genocidal behavior based on baseless suspicions, physical and mental characteristics and behavior patterns. As China perfects this technology, it will spread to the rest of the world like wildfire.

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Geo-Engineering Exposed: Scientists To Dim Sunlight In Order To Cool Planet

"Barking mad" scientists are intent on restructuring the atmosphere, and have been already conducting field-grade experiments for several years. There has been no disclosure to any political body, but rather just unilateral action because the scientists don't believe they need public approval when science is concerned.

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Technocracy: Wake Up To The Rockefeller Movie Of Political Reality

Utopia is the promise but slavery is the end of the matter. If you believe the con, you will pay with your life and soul. If you don't believe the con, you will fight the scammers until they no longer have any control. Technocracy would never survive if Technocrats told the truth about their intentions.

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