Articles by Alternate Author

DHS To Start Mandatory Biometric ID At Airports For Foreign Travel

Creeping incrementalism, indeed! Biometric ID will be standard everywhere in the United States within 5 years, with the Feds providing data access to a range of private companies. There will be cameras everywhere, including body cams worn by police, that will identify you in real time, wherever you go. Technocrats everywhere are salivating at the prospect... 

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Bike-Crazy Oregon Riders Enraged Over First Bicycle Tax In Nation

Driving people out of their cars and onto bicycles has been an Agenda 21 plank that Oregon has fully embraced since 1992 . Now its the bikers who are getting a look at the other side of the knife blade as a new excise tax will ding every new purchaser, and they are livid. They are too used to having their cake and eating it too.

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War On Cash Puts ECB, EU On Collision Course With Germany

The war on cash is global as Central Banks cram it down the throat of their respective client-nations. The contagion is the infamous Bank for International Settlements (BIS) that is the central bank to central banks and the mastermind of global monetary policy. To implement Technocracy (aka Sustainable Development), the global monetary system must be digital and there must be no holdouts. Thus, eliminating cash will force everyone into the banking system 100%. The mantra of 'no person left behind' is seen in all United Nations documents that support Sustainable development.

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Police Will Soon Get Instant Facial Recognition Features On Body Cameras

You will quickly see that DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is deeply involved in this technology, and invested directly in Neurala. DARPA develops technology for military use, and is heavily weighted toward transhuman advances that will lead to human-machine hybrids, or super-soldiers.

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Australia Responds To Al Gore’s Visit: Who’s Afraid Of The Big, Bad Climate Monster?

Al Gore is a two-bit con-man who has made his fortune using extreme fear and public manipulation, but many are seeing through the huckster's scam. And, if Al Gore is a willful liar, what does that say about his 'settled science' of climate change? His idea of 'settled' is whether or not the funds reached his bank account or not. 

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China Is One Step Closer To Becoming A Cash-Free Utopia

The plea for cashless society is always preceded by glowing benefits. China is the world's largest and first big model of Technocracy, and as an authoritarian state, it can force whatever it wants down its citizens throat. A dictatorship is always the shortest path to Technocracy, and even in 1933, early Technocrats called for FDR to declare himself dictator in order to  summarily implement it. Those who do not understand Technocracy cannot recognize China as anything other than a Communist dictatorship.

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VISA Bribes Restaurant Owners With $10,000 To Go Cashless

Bribery by any other name is still bribery, especially when we already know that the global elite are stampeding to a cashless society. Technocracy cannot be established except that 'no person is left behind.' Without cash everyone is forced into the system if they merely want to survive in the intended new world order.

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Sprint CEO: America’s Most Important Infrastructure Project Is 5G mobile networks

As noted before, 5G will actually enable the Internet of Everything as it provides mobile speeds 10 times higher than current rates. The mobile world is stampeding to implement 5G, regardless of public resistance or safety consideration. Because of 'small cell' technology, 5G transmitters will smother communities with high-frequency radiation.

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