Articles by Alternate Author

Hawaii Becomes First State To Pass A Bill In Support Of Universal Basic Income

Thanks to the global elite and Technocrat leadership, the whole world is stampeding toward some form of Universal Basic Income, or UBI. This is the response to their creating a new class in society called "the unemployable." It is lost on these people that UBI will create a new class of slavery unlike any seen before, and even more brutal.

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The Treasonous Secession of Climate Confederacy States

Many states and cities have already trashed the Constitution by taking unconstitutional actions. However, they can't have their cake and eat it to. When they want the Feds to give them something, they are the first to cry foul and point out how unconstitutional the Federal government is acting.

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Oregon Senate Votes To Allow Dementia Patients To Be Starved to Death

One national talk show host stated that "Liberalism is a mental disorder", and that may not be far from the truth. Oregon has led the nation recently with outlandish regulations, laws, policies, etc. The sad part is that Portland and Eugene drive the craziness for the whole state, which is largely non-liberal.

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Facebook’s AI Chatbots Developed Their Own Non-Human Language

Because connected Chatbots can use their AI programs to talk to each other, they are developing their own languages, unknown to their designers. What are they saying? What do they mean? What is their intent? Technocrats are opening up Pandora's Box with technology that they create but do not understand.

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