Articles by Alternate Author

NSA Reneges On Promise To Tell Congress How Many Innocent Americans It Spies On

Technocrats are data hoarders and will never divulge how much data they have collected, legally or illegally. The NSA and the entire intelligence network have gone rogue on the American public and have become a key element in the impending Technocracy waiting to be established.

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Colonizing Africa: Monsanto And Big Ag Criminalize Traditional Seed Exchanges

Monsanto and its very small handful of competitors are enforcing 'intellectual property rights' by criminalizing unauthorized distribution of their seeds. Farmers around the world are at the mercy of these giants to use their seeds only, and there is no escape for most. This is Technocracy at its worst, and near-total control over all food supply is demonic at the least. 

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China Rolls Out Red Carpet To California Governor Jerry Brown On Climate Change

China is happy to bypass Washington to talk directly with fellow Marxist Jerry Brown, who has gone to Beijing as the self-described "envoy for  humanity". The U.S. Constitution forbids states from making deals with foreign governments, but Brown openly scorns the Constitution and the Republic form of government that it guarantees.

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Insurance Companies Increasingly Using Cheap DNA Testing To Deny Coverage

When you send DNA testing samples to companies like, you can be sure that it will sold to the highest bidder, as in insurance companies looking to justify coverage denial. They call it 'risk management' but critics call invasion of personhood. Why? Because it can change the course of your life for the worse.

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