Articles by Alternate Author

Cities And States Rebel Against Trump On Climate Change

Let the rebellion begin. Cities and states across America are telling Trump they will continue to support Climate Change initiatives irregardless of what he does. This is on the heels of Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Those who stand with the Paris accord will be soon shown up as anti-worker, anti-industry and anti-American.

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CRISPR Gene-Editing Tool Causes Unintended Genetic Mutations

A new Columbia University study now shows that the use of CRISPR gene-editing technology can introduce 'hundreds of unintended mutations into the genome.' This is what even non-scientists concluded when CRISPR was originally introduced. Indeed, this is one of the most dangerous and misleading tools in the scientific world.

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Trump Talks Terrorism While Europe Shouts ‘Climate Change!’

There is a madness gripping world leaders that causes them to lose sight of what is important and what is not. Terrorism kills people, climate change does not. Europe's terror problem is of their own making as they willingly opened their borders to hostile Islamic jihadists. Some have even said that climate change is to blame for 'migration' from the Middle East.

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Zbigniew Brzezinski, Co-Founder of the Trilateral Commission, Dead at 89

The 'grand chessman' had no strategy or moves left to beat death. As co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, his impact on modern globalization is huge. There will be a forthcoming article on Brzezinski's role in building the New International Economic Order.

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