Articles by Alternate Author

Microsoft: ‘Windows 10 China Government Edition’ Grants China Back Door To Everything

Pandora's Box has been opened as Microsoft caves to China's demands for full control over encryption and telemetry. This allows China a 'back door' to spy on everyone and every thing in its society. China is an autocratic Technocracy that is consumed with the micro-managed engineering of its entire society. Now, other nations will demand that Microsoft build 'back door' versions for them as well, and you can bet that the U.S. will be at the head of that line.

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Global Smart Grid: China Driving Intercontinental Energy Distribution Grid

China's call for a "global intercontinental energy system that will unite the electric power networks of the whole world" is identical to the Global Energy Network Institute's (GENI) ''energy web" or "Internet of Energy." I covered the global smart grid in Chapter 8 of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation in 2015. Control over energy production and consumption is a prime directive of Technocracy as a means to control all economic activity.

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Feudalism: Zambia’s Poorest Farmers Becoming ‘Squatters On Their Own Land”

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is a resource-based economic system designed to take resources away from individuals to put them into the hands of a few. Zambia has been opened up like a can of sardines, first by the United Nations and secondly by the multinational agricultural giants.

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Farmer Plows Own Field, Faces $2.8 Million Fine For No Permit

I have warned for years that the Federal government would assert its full authority under the Clean Water Act that cedes all water in the U.S. to the them: from rivers, marshes, swamps, mud flats, drainage, playas, underground rivers, etc. The Feds are making a test case out of this farmer, and if they win, food production in America will drop precipitously.

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Serious Injuries At Elon Musk’s Tesla Auto Plant Are The Double Industry Average

Elon Musk is a Technocrat and Utopian dreamer who preaches that the 'good life' is just ahead... apparently his own employees are exempt as safety is sacrificed for a tight budget to get there. Musk is also spending to colonize Mars with essentially one-way tickets to the red planet.

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Data Invasion: Google Matches Physical Store Purchases With Browsing History To Deliver Ads

All of your data from brick-and-mortar store purchases via credit card are readily available to corporate giants like Google. They match you with your browser history and online purchases and then charge advertisers big bucks to deliver personalized ads to you. This is not funny or cute. This is Technocracy. Did I mention that the head of Google, Eric Schmidt, is a member of the elitist Trilateral Commission?

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Jeff Bezos: Time To Build City On Moon With Robots

Many tech moguls have joined the apparent cult that seeks to leave planet earth and colonize other planets like Mars or the Earth's moon. Amazon's Bezos is the second-richest person on earth and wants to use robots to build out the moon. Don't worry, he says, Amazon will be able to deliver products to the moon. Bon voyage, Jeff.

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