Articles by Alternate Author

Scientists: We Can Photograph People In 3D Through Walls Using Wi-Fi

Using radiation from your own home Wi-Fi router, devices outside you home can see what is inside. Leave it to German scientists to dream this one up. Technocrats invent only because they can, not because it is smart or useful. Only over-aggressive authorities will benefit from this technology and citizens will be stripped of their last corner of privacy in their shrinking world.

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World Leaders Gather In Beijing While The US Sinks Into Irrelevancy

Remembering that a) the Trilateral Commission set out in 1973 to create a "New International Economic Order" and b) its members essentially adopted and invested in China to become a Technocracy, it is not coincidental that the U.S. is finally being taken off the world stage as the primary economic power, and China is taking over. I have said for decades that this is an economic coup and not a political coup. Just about everyone has missed this 800 pound gorilla in the living room.

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Mark Sagar On Avatars: How Humans Will Interact With Machines In Ten Years

The velocity of AI development is ever increasing; today's capabilities will double in 12 months and re-double thereafter in 12-18 month cycles. When an AI avatar can routinely fool a human into believing that it is also human, the door to global delusion is wide open. Technocrats build because they can, not because it is smart to do so.

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