Articles by Alternate Author

Europe’s Green New Deal Marches On Undeterred

The UN says that "A green economy implies the decoupling of resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth". This indicates a total ignorance the economic reality that resources are absolutely necessary for any economic activity whatsoever.

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Big Tech Has Created An Unelected, Unaccountable Technocracy

Monopolies are not immediately illegal, but they are anti-American and destructive to liberty and freedom. Big Tech is promoting Technocracy as the monopoly to dominate America, and it will do so if it's ideology is not fully recognized and rejected by Americans.

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Shilling: Globalists May Become Extinct Species

Although Shilling has had days of illuminated economic insight in the past, he is dead wrong that COVID-19 is 'driving the last nail into the coffin of the globalists.' This is their day of victory, not defeat, because Technocracy has been the endgame.

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Scientists Achieve First Step In Creating Cyborgs

This tech breakthrough is revolutionary for Transhumanists who would like to build avatars, transfer their brains into them and live forever. If you have a hard time understanding this article, just think "The Borg" from the Star Trek series.

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Are Automakers Are Coming For Your AM/FM Radio?

With 250 million people tuning in daily to predominantly conservative AM/FM radio, the thought of removing the medium is inconceivable. To Technocrat social engineers, however, it is perfectly logical and efficient and is a direct way to silence conservative opinion.

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T-Mobile: IoT And ‘The Transformative Promise Of 5G’

T-Mobile paid to have this article appear on the CNBC website, and you can read for yourself that 5G is all about the IoT and tracking things that move. T-Mobile's 5G network will operate at the ultra-high frequency of 600MHz.

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Calls To Save The World By Investing In A Green New Deal

Forget old-fashioned Central Bank stimulus as experienced during the 2008 financial crisis. Watch for the entire 2020 narrative to be hijacked by Technocrats who want resuscitate the global economy by spending taxpayer money on Green New Deal programs.

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