Articles by Alternate Author

Henry Kissinger Meets With Trump In Oval Office Day After Comey Fired

What is Henry Kissinger doing meeting with President Trump in the Oval Office? His meeting was not on the President's public schedule, which means that it was an impromptu meeting. In the past, Trump has bragged about his friendship with Kissinger. Kissinger was a founding member of the Trilateral Commission in 1973, and a close confidant of the late David Rockefeller.

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Soul-Searching Scientists Struggling To Convince World Of Climate Change

Christiana Figueres announces a new strategy to keep the climate fraud scam alive, namely, 'soul-searching' scientists need to do a better job of explaining their science. What Figures has done is sweep all non-believing climate scientists into a soulless class of zombie scientists. For a Technocrat, the term soul-searching scientist might be an oxymoron.

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Big Data: Web Of Technocracy Is Rapidly Subverting Governments

Excellent investigative journalism produces some very disturbing links between big data, Eric Schmidt, Robert Mercer and Steve Bannon. There is a thread of Technocracy running through the entire affair, even if it is not fully understood yet. While governments agencies are limited by federal law, privately-owned, offshore corporations are not.

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Leaked Documents Reveal Plans For Increased Internet Surveillance

Like the U.S. government, the U.K. government is also seeking a back door into Internet programs to spy on people in real-time. Do you understand 'real-time'? That means continuously, 24x7. This would spell the absolute end of privacy and the beginning of Scientific Dictatorship, or Technocracy. If Governments have ubiquitous powers of surveillance over citizens, does anyone really think they will be benevolent with that data?

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World Temperatures Plummet: Further Arctic Ice Panic Is Just Empty Drama

The climate change fraud continues to be stretched thin by data representing actual measurements and not faulty and biased computer models. Many climate scientists are predicting a major multi-decade cooling trend based on sun spot activity, which is the arguably the biggest determinant of climate on planet earth. Technocrats who promote Arctic ice panic are desperate to promote Sustainable Development, 2030 Agenda, New Urban Agenda, etc., which all amount to warmed-over Technocracy from the 1930s.

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