Articles by Alternate Author

Nationwide Climate Change Rally Draws Huge Crowds

These large parades full of hysterical climate change advocates are the best example of manipulation-by-propaganda that exists today. They have adopted a cause without knowing the facts or the promoters, and they treat it more as a religion than a secular cause.

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Consumer Surveys Confirm That Cashless Society Is Gaining Ground

The 'people' are always blamed for the demand to ditch cash in society, but it is the banking oligarchy that strategized it from the very beginning. Why? Because cash in the hands of citizens is uncontrollable, while digital currency is absolute control. Technocracy as an economic system requires absolute control over the monetary system.

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Mexico To Use Barage Of Environmental Lawsuits To Stop Border Wall Construction

The U.S. inserted environmental language into NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). Now that President Trump has reneged on terminating NAFTA outright, but rather will 'renegotiate' it, Mexico will turn the tables by filing a number of environmental lawsuits in international court over the border wall. It is a strange twist of irony, because Mexico could mostly care less about environmental issues in the first place.

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Scientists: Cryogenically Frozen Brains Will Be Transplanted Into Donor Bodies Within Three Years

Mainstream scientists and surgeons say that brain transplants into donor bodies is absolutely impossible, but that doesn't deter Transhumanist dreamers in the slightest. Nevertheless, hundreds of people have paid hundreds of thousands to have their brains frozen upon death, in the hope of being transplanted in the future.

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Crazy Talk: Geoengineering Goes Mainstream At TED Conference, Stirs Controversy

Cooling the earth by blocking sunlight would drastically reduce food production, increase migration, regional conflicts and wars. Geoengineers have apparently fallen into the anti-human cult that has no regard for human life. They claim that they are 'saving' the world, but in fact, they will destroy it.

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