Articles by Alternate Author

Virtues Reinvented: Social Engineering the New Vices

Technocracy always starts with a clean slate: forget the past, forget experience, forget generational wisdom. Thus, every problem deserves a new solution that only science can provide. When it comes to morals, morality and ethics, there is left a huge vacuum to be filled by 'new solutions": tolerance, relativism, consumerism, hedonism, narcissism, etc.

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Saudi Arabia Creates Vision 2030 To Plan For Sustainable Development

Islamic nations are stampeding to sustainable development and the green economy. Islam has a natural affinity for science and engineering, as well as autocratic forms of Technocracy. The so0called Golden Age of Islam from the 8th to the 16th centuries was primarily about the advancement of science.

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Bioethics Film Festival Urges Scientists To Heed Warnings Of Science-Fiction

A public dialog on 'what-could-go-wrong?' with misdirected science is always welcome, but it will take more than 50 people to make it to truly make it to the public arena. Nevertheless, some people are alarmed that scientists are going too far and will harm society more than help it.

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Lawmakers Seek To Use DNA Of Relatives In Criminal Investigations

The national law enforcement race to build a national DNA database on all citizens will ultimately determine who owns your body. The Fourth Amendment will be shattered to pieces, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

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Netherlands: Poor People Most Punished By Climate Change Costs

Surprise, surprise. The Dutch have just figured out that climate change mitigation is being laid on the back of the poor. This arrangement is not an oversight, but a mega-trend. All climate woes are being blamed on citizens instead of the sprawling global corporations owned by oligarchs. Moreover, Sustainable Development aims to alleviate the problem by even more development, with the oligarchs taking direct control over earth's resources.

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