Articles by Alternate Author

Why Public-Private Partnerships Are The Brains Behind Smart Cities

Industry says, "Without a public-private partnership, a smart city plan will most likely remain stuck on the drawing board." Technocracy marches forward on public money that is diverted to private ends, offering one of the biggest scams in history. Of course, they say "It's good for you", but the end of Scientific Dictatorship will be a scourge on humanity.

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The Future Of Green Business Lies In Urbanization, Smart Cities and Sustainability

There is a development race on amongst global corporations to promote urbanization as a way to reap trillions for themselves. Understand that this is not really about 'sustainability' or the environment: It is about new forms of economic development that did not exist before, but are now possible. It is about tapping into the public purse directly and without limit.

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Chinese Firm Replaces Half Of Workers With Robots To Sort 200,000 Packages Per Day

Just 2 weeks ago, GE CEO Jeff Immelt told us that "This notion of the war of the robots happening in the short term, that's more of a Silicon Valley vision than the real world." This story is part of a rash of stories out of China about massive robot-replacement that prove that Immelt is either an idiot or a liar.

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