Articles by Alternate Author

Trilateral Commission Member Eric Schmidt Leads AI Ethics Board

The Pentagon is leading the way to create ethics standards for the use of AI in warfare as well as civilian government. Who is Chairman of the Defense Innovation Board? Trilateral Commission member and ex-CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt!

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To Vax Or Not To Vax, That Is The Question

Technocracy not only seeks to control your actions but also your own physical body. This is the reason for government-mandated vaccines from cradle to grave. If Technocrats win, then you will have zero control over your own body or your own health.

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Rickards: ‘1984’ Has Come To China… USA Is Next

High profile economic expert and author Jim Rickards has nailed China for its 1984-like control over society using doublethink, Newspeak, Thought Police, etc., and warns that it is headed toward America. The only dot left to connect is Technocracy

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Super-AI Might Emerge Like Coronavirus To Destroy Civilization

The very same Technocrats who brought us AI in the first place are now pondering whether or not a 'super-AI' could suddenly emerge that would destroy civilization. For a more reliable answer, perhaps they should ask Alexa.

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Coronavirus Gives Boost To New Era Of ‘No Choice, No Voice’

Big Tech companies censor any voice that does not support their technocrat agenda; in particular, anti-5G, anti-vaccine or anti-global warming will get you kicked off their respective platforms or shadow-banned. This has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with strong-arming.

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