Articles by Alternate Author

So Smart: Smart Water, Smart Grid And Smart Cities

SMART is a Technocrat management acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based, and is used to create peak efficiency. They would like to mislead everyone to think it's smart as in intellect, but in that sense, it is really dumb.

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Trump To Continue U.S. Help To India For Smart Cities

The Trump Administration apparently does not understand that Smart Cities are at the core of Technocracy's (and the U.N's) global strategy. In any case, why should the U.S. be sending money and technology to any nation capable of doing it themselves?

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Going Cashless In India Means ‘Gold Bullion Is Now Effectively Illegal’

Technocracy is clamping down on India by first removing cash from society and then limiting gold ownership to only small amounts of personal jewelry. Once the cashless transformation has been completed, it will spread to other major nations, preparing the way for an energy based monetary system to emerge

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New Urban Agenda Is Clearly About Human Control

The first paragraph gives it away: "1 billion urban dwellers live in settlements that have emerged outside of the state's control". This core of New Urban Agenda is to bring everyone under state control; in other words, as so many other UN documents say, "leave no one behind".

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