Articles by Alternate Author

Pope Francis Encourages Scientists To Work On Sustainable Developmen

With the Pontifical Academy of Sciences gathering, Technocracy seems to be fully embedded at the Vatican, with the Pope as chief proponent. Religion (including the Interfaith movement) and Sustainable Development are merging at a breakneck speed. Will this become the new world religion around which everyone will congregate?

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Surveillance Powers For FBI And NSA Set To Rise Under Trump

Scientific Dictatorship and Technocracy are enabled by the ever-increasing surveillance of citizens. Thus far, there is no evidence that Trump has any concept of Technocracy or its intent to dominate the world with an alternative economic system based on resources and energy.

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India PM Admits Plan To Force ‘Cashless Society”

Technocracy will force the entire world to go cashless in order to force everyone into the system. This is why the UN's own documents repeatedly say, "No one left behind." While many central bankers are discussing cashless societies, India is on the forefront of implementing it.

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