Articles by Alternate Author

Elon Musk: Robots Will Take Your Jobs, Gov’t Will Have To Pay Your ‘Wage’

TN has been warning that robotics will displace so many workers that the government will be forced ot pay a univeral basic income to everyone. This outcome is already being 'tested' by Y Combinator. Universal basic income was a core element of Technocracy specified in the 1930s.

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Urgent: U.S. Trade Rep Says Congress Has The Votes To Pass TPP

With a lame-duck president and a spineless Senate, if Obama sneaks TPP for a vote, it likely will pass. It is imperative to call your Senators and demand that they NOT vote for passage of TPP. Get your neighbors, friends, family, anyone, to CALL their Senators. Why? Because it will locking in Technocracy on a global scale!

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Habitat III Pledges To ‘Leave No One Behind’

The phrase 'no one left behind' is a doctrine grounded in historic Technocracy from the 1930s. They reasoned that if society is to be properly 'engineered', that everyone had to be included. This is the same reason that 'inclusion' and 'no one left behind' is seen in virtually all United Nations documents.

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Migration Invasion: Germany Is ‘Losing Control Of The Streets’

Trilateral Commissioner Peter Sutherland, head of migration policy at the UN, has boasted that multiculturalism is the only path to Sustainable Development. He has heavily lobbied European nations since 2006 to open wide their borders to migration from the south, which has since destabilized many European nations.

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