Articles by Alternate Author

U.N. Rights Chief: Trump As President Poses Global Danger

The United Nations joins the globalist clarion call to protect its world-wide scam of Sustainable Development and Green Economy. The global elite has had little resistance to its plans for the last 40 years, and is now doubly concerned that the populist movement might actually derail their life-long efforts.

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New Urban Agenda: Chinese Government to Move 100 Million Farmers to Cities by 2020

China is the epitome of a functioning Technocracy and this is the New Urban Agenda, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda all rolled into one. 100 million farmers will be forcibly driven from their land to populate numerous technates (ghost cities) that have already been built. This is the same ideology that is consuming America.

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Coal Baron Nails Elon Musk As ‘Fraud’ Over Green Subsidies

Robert Murray is the CEO of Murray Energy Corp., the largest private coal mining company in America. He was interviewed on CNBC (live TV) and nailed Elon Musk and his Tesla Motors for taking $2 billion in green energy subsidies from the government while failing to turn a profit since inception. In fact, Musk is a Technocrat pursuing Technocracy, Transhumanism and colonizing Mars, and doing it all with taxpayer money. Musk has since struck back on Twitter by saying, "Real fraud going on is denial of climate science." Such is the mind of a Technocrat.

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