Articles by Alternate Author

Al Gore Campaigns: Declares Climate Change War On Donald Trump

My earlier thought that Al Gore could run again for President was wrong, but he has now pledged to campaign for Hillary Clinton. Both Bill Clinton and Gore were fellow members of the elitist Trilateral Commission before taking over the Oval Office in 1992. Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta, is a current member of the Commission.

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Will The Elderly Be Ushered Into Eternity By… Robots?

Robot nannies for the elderly are already racing forward, and now it is discovered that robot pets are a great addition to the mix. Where humans have abdicated their proper role in caring for the elderly, robots will be happy to fill the void. I wonder if Grandma will say, "I only wish I had loved my robot more?"

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Backlash To World Economic Order Clouds Outlook At IMF Talks

As a whole, the 'global elite' who promote globalization, Sustainable Development, Green Economy, etc., are completely non-plussed at the open rebellion of citizens around the world. Populism, protectionism and nationalism are their new enemies that must be defeated so their plans can move forward.

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PEW: 72% Of Americans Don’t Believe In ‘Scientific Consensus’ On Climate Change

It's time to bring the hammer down on the elite-thinking Technocrats who promote the false narrative of climate change using pseudo-science and corrupted data. If 75% of Americans are 'deniers' will they punish the entire nation for not believing their lies? Or will we run them out of our government and the centers of real science?

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World Green Economy Summit Being Held In Dubai

The very large Islamic connection to Green Economy is seen in this conference being held in Dubai for the second year in a row. Twelve percent of the Koran reportedly deals with 'care of the earth' issues (See Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting The Planet, Abdul-Matin)

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