Articles by Alternate Author

Police Are Routinely Building DNA Databases

Police are 'sworn in' to office by taking an oath to 'uphold and defend the Constitution' but in practice, it is doubtful that very few have ever even read it. Forces across the nation are now routinely taking illegal DNA samples and storing the results in searchable databases, which invariably find their way into a national database owned by the Federal Government.

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Paris Agreement drives shift to green economy but huge challenges remain

To understand the mind of Technocracy, you must listen to what Technocrats say about their own agenda, in this case, forming the 'Green Economy'. According to this article, "Shifting from an infrastructure and economy based on the traditional 20th-century model to a new green society demands massive investment and huge disruption."

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Obama Hired Behavioral Experts To Expand Use Of Govt. Programs

Under Technocracy, citizens are required to be 100 percent dependent on the scientific leadership of Technocrats to provide every conceivable material and psychological requirement for life; in this program, Obama is proving himself to be a very useful pawn in the hands of these same Technocrats. Now you should be able to understand the intended use and outcome of Obama's "Brain Initiative" to map the human brain.

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DeepMind: Google’s Speech-Generation Breakthrough

On the day that people can be totally fooled when conversing with a robotic entity, society will be ripe for whatever delusion that Technocrats will see as necessary to implement Technocracy. Robots, Chatbots and SexBots will be received as humans.

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