Articles by Alternate Author

China’s Technocrat Threat: ‘When Trade Stops, War Comes’

Technocrats at the G20 enclave being held in China, are issuing direct threats to anti-globalization citizens of the world: Back off, or else! While they are hiding behind the buzzword 'trade', they are pointedly defending their brand of globalization, which is Technocracy.If citizens saw this in these terms, they would increase their protest by an order of magnitude

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Workers, Go Home: Robotic Tractors Will Dominate Farming

Agriculture as we have known it, is finished. The rise of the fully automated farm is just a few years away and will completely obliterate the family farm that cannot afford such automation. The ascendency of the automated corporate farm will simply drive everyone else out of business.

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Pope Declares Global Warming A ‘Sin’ That Requires Human Atonement

The Pope says, “Let us repent of the harm we are doing to our common home.” The Bible says that Jesus Christ died to atone for the sins of man against God, for any who would receive Him as Lord and Savior. Now there are sins like global warming and loss of biodiversity for which man himself must atone by recycling, planting trees and lowering his carbon footprint.

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Feds Kickstart ‘Array Of Things’ For Blanket Surveillance In Chicago

All rhetoric aside about how this will benefit residents, recognize that this is a pure 100% exercise in Technocracy by Technocrats. First, the primary source of funding is the National Science Foundation (NSF), with additional funds coming from the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL, a government laboratory). Both organizations are saturated with Technocrats who aspire to run society as a "science of social engineering" project. Second, the hardware and software were both created at the Argonne National Laboratory. Thus, this is exclusively a government project.

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Revisiting the Journey to the Sustainable Development Goals

"Steering the course of global change to a just and sustainable future requires a concerted effort across all sectors." - 'Just' refers to Social Justice and 'sustainable' means Sustainable Development. Together, they call for total redistribution of wealth and the destruction of capitalism and free enterprise.

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