Articles by Alternate Author

Countering The Fallacy Of Global Warming

The biggest lie about global warming is that the science 'is settled' and that the 'vast number of climate scientists agree." Well, it is not settled and there are many more scientists who disagree that who agree. In other words, a minority of fanatical Technocrat scientists are driving the paranoia.

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There Is No Evidence Of Dangerous Global Warming

Technocrat climate scientists must falsify data, statistical analysis and data modeling in order to create paranoia to drive people into Technocracy. The bigger problem is that when 'followers' are presented with clear evidence to the contrary, they still refuse to recant their unwarranted beliefs.

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New Global Database Tracks Development Of The Green Economy

When they have no data reflecting or substantiating the so-called Green Economy, what do Technocrats do? Create a data modeling system and simply make up the data. We are getting closer to the realization of Orwell's Ministry of Truth in Nineteen Eighty Four. ⁃ Technocracy News Editor

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UN Head Ban Ki-moon Commends China’s Leadership On UN 2030 Agenda

China is one of the dirtiest nations on earth, yet the UN is consistently enamored with its Technocratic and totalitarian leadership. Christiana Figueres, former UN climate chief, praised China in 2015 for its great accomplishments in fighting global warming. All praise aside, China's environmental record is a total abomination.

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