Articles by Alternate Author

Climate Change Chief Christiana Figueres Enters Race To Head UN

TN Note: TN first reported this on June 28, but now it is official: Figueres will likely become the first female Secretary-General of the United Nations. Don't forget that she pledged last year to overthrow capitalism and free enterprise in favor of Sustainable Development, or Green Economy, which is Technocracy. She could quickly become the most dangerous woman to the free world.

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Beware Virtual Reality: It Can Rewire Your Brain And Plant False Memories

The world is crazed on virtual reality technology, where you put a view-finder device on your head and immerse yourself in a 3-D world of... whatever: computer games, role play, modeling systems, pornography. Because the experiences are so very realistic, they are certain to produce memories that will seem to be very real. Plus, if the programmer so desires, such memories might be created without any knowledge or understanding by the recipient.

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Fido Forever: South Korean Lab Will Clone Beloved Pets For A Mere $100,000

Cloning technology is gaining acceptance and popularity. From favorite pets to prize breeding stock in the global food chain, new labs keep popping up. It would not be accurate to say that all cloning labs are operated by Transhumans. It would be accurate that all Transhumans are critically interested in and supportive of the developing technology, because the cloning of humans will not be far behind.

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Why The World Is Rebelling Against ‘Experts’

Among the 'rebels', there is still no recognition of Technocracy, but people feel the effect of it as regulations strangle economic progress, personal freedoms and the society we live in. The question is, will the Technocrats be able to cloak their identity while staying one step ahead of the rebellion? If so. then scientific dictatorship is inevitable. If not, then there will be a chance to reject Technocracy and its practitioners.

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