Articles by Alternate Author

Think Tank: Robots Could Replace Migrant Workers In Britain

What Britain needs: More robots, less migrant workers. This makes for an interesting twist on using migration as a means of implementing Sustainable Development. After all, it is globalist Peter Sutherland who claims that a requirement for Sustainable Development is a multicultural society - driven by migration. Still, it is easier to manage robots than people, so perhaps Technocracy will find a winner here.

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FEC and FCC Commissioners Warn Federal Regulation Of Internet Coming

In an effort to control everything, Technocrats seek to control what is said on the Internet. Short of controlling this, they also seek to control what you read. Google has already been caught red-handed in skewing search results. Likewise, Facebook has been accused of manipulating feeds to exclude certain items and themes, while promoting others.

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Cryonics Lab Will House 50,000 Frozen Bodies Awaiting Immortality

The Transhuman dream of achieving immortality was a metaphysical movement until they figured out how to use science to trick people into believing it was actually possible. However, after at least 30 years of trying, the realization of immortality is no closer now than it was then. Transhumans and Technocrats share a strong belief in Scientism, which posits that truth can only be discovered through the Scientific Method.

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Predictive Analysis ‘Crystal Ball’ To Employ Digital DNA Avatar

The ultimate data collection model about you will include your DNA, activities, personality, lifestyle factors, etc. iCarbonX declares its "intention of recommending tailored wellness programs, food choices and possibly prescription medicines." To the extent that your avatar exists in the computing ether, you will be micro-managed like cattle in a feed lot, until the day you die. Remember that China has been a Technocracy since at least 1995, and so Technocrats are encouraged to think this way.

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UN Says Terrorists ‘Actively Seeking’ To Build Deadly Army Of Killer Robots

It is obvious that terrorists would seek to capitalize on the use of robotics if it could take mass killings to a new level. Of course, governments will beat them to it, but will not particularly care if a limited number of terrorists were to commandeer the same technology for their own purposes.

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Sony To Create Emotional Robot That Bonds With Humans

Technocrats have a hard time distinguishing between humans and machines. Both are just buckets of atoms arranged in different ways, so why shouldn't a human be able to bond with inanimate objects? If there is any bonding, however, it will be trickery and not reality because - duh - robots can only pretend to feel.

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Recognition And Awareness Of Global Technocracy Is Growing

It's not perfect, but it is a start. America - and all other nations - desperately need to hold national dialogues on Technocracy before it is too late to stop it. The EU-Progressive meme, which is an early form of Technocracy, is faltering but that doesn't mean the certain end of Technocracy. Far from it.

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The Matrix: 24 Ways We’re Tracked On A Regular Basis

The Total Surveillance Society is not funny, cute or convenient. Rather, it is the singular conduit to deliver us directly into an Orwellian-style Scientific Dictatorship. Technocracy requires surveillance, and there is no such thing as 'enough'. Surveillance data will one day be fed into quantum computers for instant analysis, correlation and tabulation, with the outcome being 'instructions' for the masses. This is the 'science of social engineering'.

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