Articles by Alternate Author

EU Parliament Declares Climate Emergency

The entire world, including the EU,  is caving in to the climate emergency scam, in preparation for an economic reset that will make way for full-blown Technocracy to replace Capitalism and Free Enterprise.

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Army DEVCOM: 2050 Vision For Cyborg Super-Soldiers

Scientific Progressivism is the lust of Technocrats and the scourge of humanity. Hacking the human body to create more efficient high-tech killing machines cannot possibly advance humanity.

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AI Reads Mind, Creates Video Of Your Thoughts

Scientists claim that AI can learn what you are thinking by analyzing brain impulses, and then reproduce the image on a video. Rudimentary as it is, it could break down the most private enclave of humanity: your personal thoughts.

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Scientists: Artificial Wombs Could Replace Women

Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is a pressing need to do so. This is a precursor to incubator reproduction as described in Huxley's 1932 book, Brave New World and is already linked to gay men being able to 'have babies'.

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2030 Agenda: UN Pleads With Global Investors To Help

With only 10 years left and failure staring them in the face, the U.N. is turning to private investors to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.  Their utopian Technocracy is structurally flawed in every way. 

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Woof: Spot The Robot Police Dog

Short of laws or regulations to control police departments, robotics will play a huge part of future enforcement. Spot the robot dog is seen as a viable replacement for police dots. Future weaponization is almost certain.

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