Articles by Alternate Author

San Jose, CA Next City To Ban Natural Gas

The ultra-left environmental group, Sierra Club, claims that 50 other California cities are also considering a ban on natural gas, the cleanest, cheapest and most resilient source of energy on planet earth. 

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Virtue Signaling With Long-Term ‘Green Bonds’

'Green Bonds' are the increasingly popular instruments to finance Sustainable Development, Green Economy and Green New Deal, aka Technocracy, but wrongly-diverted money only causes greater economic dislocation.

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Coming Soon: Meds And Techniques To Erase Memories

Orwell's torture 'Room 101' to adjust memories may be a thing of the past as Technocrat scientists are nearing a drug-related solution to 'help you' erase memories, whether good or bad. Is two plus two really four, or is it five?

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Sustainable Fail: The Global Fertility Crash

Contrary to UN and globalist propaganda, global populating is crashing, not exploding. The birthrate in many countries is so low that they will cease to exist as discrete nations. For many, the trend is already irreversible.

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Humanoid Androids Have Entered The Workplace

The Technocrat and Transhuman holy grail is not to augment the human experience, but to replace it all together, with AI hosting the souls of would-be immortals. The Android race now has a myriad of startups working feverishly to be first.

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