Articles by Alternate Author

Green New Deal Senator Calls For TSA To Drop Facial Recognition Tech

Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) stands tall with AOC's Green New Deal, aka Technocracy, but calls for the TSA to stop facial recognition technology. Is Markey just speaking out of both sides of his mouth? Or, is he applying using the Hegelian dialectic to gain supporters?

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All Rise: Here Comes The (AI) Judge

This whole meme rests on "As computer researchers get closer to creating true Artificial Intelligence". The fact is, they haven't created 'true' AI but persist in trying, keeping reality just around a corner that never shows up. Betting on the come" is an age-old con game.

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Can AI Brain Implants ‘Give People Superhuman Intelligence’?

Artificial Intelligence is an oxymoron that suggests that a creation of man can exceed the intelligence of the creator. This has also been the Biblical debate of the ages: If God created man, can man become more intelligent than God?

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San Francisco Bans Cars On Market Street

Market Street is the busiest and most central street in downtown San Francisco. From now on, according to policies set in the UN's Agenda 21 for Sustainable Development, it will be foot-power, bicycles, scooters, buses, etc.

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China, The NBA And The Massive Face of Globalization

Zbigniew Brzezinski co-founded the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller in 1973. When Brzezinski became National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, his signature achievement was to bring China onto the world stage. 

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