Articles by Alternate Author

Battleground: Without Encryption, Technocracy Rules

Governments are being prompted to destroy encryption, permanently destroying privacy and handing all data in the world over to Technocrat social engineers. If successful, this will catapult the world into Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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Technocracy, Luddism And The Environmental Crisis

One environmentalist has realized that Technocracy is destructive to the environment and to mankind in general. He suggests that modern Luddism is anti-Technocracy rather than anti-technology.

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Multiple Studies Show MMR And Pertussis Vaccine Failure

Big Pharma, which is full of Technocrat groupthink, demands universally mandated vaccinations that either don't work or are harmful to the human population. Anti-Vaxxers are demonized, harassed and censored for daring to use common sense in defense against the propaganda.

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Algorithms Set To Displace The Constitution

Satire shockingly makes the point that society is increasingly run by algorithms instead of by the rule of law and citizen rights under the Constitution. Citizens must stop this before it is totally embedded into our society.

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UK Faces Huge Loss From Electric Vehicle Adoption

Climate change mania and the policies it generates will drive Britain into an oblivion of economic ruin unless it regains a bit of sanity to reject Green Economy thinking, which has caused the biggest global malinvestment scheme of all time.

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Jeff Bezos: ‘We Have To Go To Space To Save Earth’

This is the best article that I have yet seen that intentionally gets inside the head of Technocrat Jeff Bezos, head of Amazon and the richest man on planet earth. Bezos is building an empire that resembles Star Trek's villainous Borg: swallowing entire societies by informing "You will be assimilated".

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C40 Summit: Mayors Embrace Global Green New Deal

The Mayors of 80 major global cities declare undying support for Green New Deal ideology. Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti was elected Chairman of C40. The green insanity has infected Copenhagen, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Philadelphia, Portland, Austin, London and Seattle among others.

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