Articles by Alternate Author

AOC: Do My Green New Deal Or Miami Will Vanish

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez levels a veiled threat against Miami, Florida if leaders don't implement her Green New Deal; namely, that global warming will sink the city into oblivion. This is sounding more like a Marvel comic theme every day.

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National Nurses Union Bonds With Green New Deal Activists

The radical  progressive left is now working on subgroups of society to make it appear that they are much larger than they actually are. Namely, National Nurses United is boasting that it endorses the Green New Deal as proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

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Know The Constitution Or Get Ready For No Constitution

Technocracy and its Technocrat practitioners have always hated the U.S. Constitution and are doing everything in their power to effectively destroy it. When the turmoil reaches epic proportions, it will be ultimately suspended altogether.

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5G Seeks To Disrupt Everything, Including Your Life

Is 5G a solution looking for a problem or a problem looking for a solution? Despite the overwhelming hype or urgency to implement, very few outside of global corporations are buying the hype. 5G's future is still in doubt.

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Hot Air: Is Extreme Journalism Causing Global Warming?

If you want to fight climate change, tell extremist journalists to stifle their constant flow of hot air. The rhetoric in this story is spun out of thin air and pure conjecture and yet is presented as if it will most certainly become reality.  Well, it won't.

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NPR Exposes CIA’s MK-Ultra, Mind Control, Torture

It is amazing that NPR would print anything on the CIA's infamous and horrific MK-Ultra program from the Cold War era. Repatriated Technocrat scientists from Nazi Germany  played a key role after WWII.

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New Discoveries About Nitrogen Undermine Global Warming

Climate pseudo-scientists have not only misunderstood the carbon-cycle of life, but also the nitrogen-cycle, which dramatically affects the carbon-cycle. New discoveries about nitrogen greatly diminish man's role in climate effects.

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