Articles by Alternate Author

Scared Stiff: Fear Mongering Is The New Normal

As the world gallops toward the 'Big Reset' suggested by the World Economic Forum and World Bank, everybody is jumping on the fear bandwagon, essentially turning the whole planet into a reality-based horror show.

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Automated Warfare: China’s Deadly New Battlefield Robots

As a full-blown Technocracy, it is no surprise that China would engineer warfare with heavily-armed robots that can devastate a battlefield. The arms race to equal or better China is also in full-bloom in the U.S. and Russia. Technocrats build simply because they can. 

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Single Gene Edit To Human Embryos Sees Disturbing Unintended Consequences

Technocrat and Transhuman geneticists who would like to create Humanity 2.0, still don't have a clue about the complexity and intricacy of the human genome. One opposing scientist says, "This is a restraining order for all genome editors to stay the living daylights away from embryo editing."

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