Articles by Alternate Author

Amazon Aims To Put UPS Out Of Business

While Amazon seeks to obsolete human labor in its distribution business, its next target is delivery of those packages and the establishment of a massive network of 'independent' businesses. Is there any money in driving? Just ask an Uber or Lyft driver!

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AI 90% Accurate For Predicting Death By Heart Attack?

When insurance companies, HMOs, medicare, etc., implement this technology, patients will see rampant discrimination based on their AI health score; after all, who would sell a life insurance policy to someone who is going to die soon?

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Modeling Technocracy: Garages Seen As ‘Urban Mobility Hubs’

The 1934 Technocracy Study Course (p. 244) proposed a "network of garages at convenient places all over the country from which automobiles could be had at any hour of the night or day. No automobiles would be privately owned. When one wished to use an automobile he would merely call at the garage."

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Swarms Of AI Drones To Patrol Europe’s Borders

Threat analysis and decisions will be made autonomously, notifying border patrol agents; however, this is a slippery slope that could all too easily be inducted into broad law enforcement practices. 

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Sick: Artificial Intelligence Set To Take Over Healthcare

AI is invading all areas of the health care industry: exam room, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment options and exclusions, HMO management, health insurance allowances, etc. The next time you go to a doctor's office, note how much data they are collecting on you!

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Goodbye World: AI Arms Race Headed Toward Autonomous Killer Robots

The rapidly emerging AI arms race to create autonomous killing machines is Technocrat insanity at its highest peak. To the Technocrat mind, every problem has a scientific solution; so why not let an armed and lethal AI robot do all the work of human soldiers?

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