Articles by Alternate Author

To Hide Surveillance Tech, Feds Drop Child Porn Cases

It is deeply disturbing that courts are dropping criminal cases in order to shield the government's clandestine surveillance software that was used to bring charges in the first place. The Feds have created public-private partnerships in order to create a wall of secrecy to hide behind.

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The FBI Has Gone Rogue With Its Facial Recognition Systems

Technocrats at the FBI are driven to collect unending streams of data on any and all citizens. Any oversight or attempts to regulate are ignored or passively resisted. Other Intel agencies have followed the same pattern.  In the meantime, Americans are being corralled into a Total Surveillance Society scenario similar to China.

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NYMTA Denies Facial Recognition, But 4,500 Cameras Watch NY Subway

The NYMTA says it wants to catch fare evaders so it installs monitors with traveller pictures dynamically framed with yellow boxes, with a bold "recording in progress" message at the top of the screen; but they adamantly deny the use of facial recognition software.

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Police State: Trashing The Fourth Amendment

The next time you get stopped by a patrol car, a police blood draw van might roll up behind and demand to take your blood, and you might be strip-searched. All personal data harvested from the incident becomes the property of the Federal government, whether you did anything wrong or not.

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Physician Burnout: ‘Doctors Became Overworked Robots’

Data hungry Technocrats have fundamentally taken over the health care industry by mandating 'Electronic Health Records' and 'Evidence-Based Medicine'. The outcome has ruined the American health care system and is driving physicians out of practice by the droves.

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New York Mayor Swoons Over Green New Deal

The Green New Deal delusion is catching on like wildfire. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has caved to Rep. Ocasio-Cortez' by suggesting that "We're going to ban the classic glass and steel skyscrapers."

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