Articles by Alternate Author

Space-Based Technocracy: Asgardia Exceeds 1,000,000 Citizens

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]The space cult is run by billionaires at the top level of the United Nations and global elite, and yet they now have over 1 million 'signups' who have sword allegiance to the new constitution, which touts Technocracy. No, this isn't a joke!

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China Poised To Dominate 5G

China is proving that Technocracy is expansionary, seeking beyond its own people to dominate the whole world. 5G, AI and IoT are the three most important technologies to achieve that goal, and thus, China intends to dominate all three.

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Mankind’s Growing Love Affair With Robots

Advanced technology is increasing demonstrating its ability to cause unnatural emotional addiction in humans. Gaming, social media and Internet addiction was just the start. Now people are 'falling in love' with robots made to look like opposite sex.

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Australia PM Adviser: Climate Change Is ‘UN-Led Ruse To Establish New World Order’

Although he is 100 percent correct, Newman is getting hammered for his remarks: "anti-science, fringe views", "whacko", "bizarre",  "crazed conspiracy theorist". His remarks were directed toward Christiana Figueres who previously stated that the UN goal is to destroy Capitalism and Free Enterprise and replace it with Sustainable Development, aka, Technocracy.

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