Articles by Patrick Wood

Automakers Are Feeding Your Trip Data To Insurance Companies

If data exists anywhere, Technocrats will lay claim to it. It is their right, not yours. It is their lifeblood, their existence, their reason for being; without data, they are lifeless, empty, barren. Stealing your data is no ethical or moral concern to them because they need it to figure out how to better control you for the "greater good." 

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When Technocrats Intentionally Sabotage A Nation’s Energy Supply

The head of the Climate Change Committee (CCC) is a radical Net Zero activist and a Technocrat. When the CCC was challenged about faulty data that sent the UK into a condition of permanent energy shortage with Net Zero policy. The CEO of the UK's climate watchdog promptly told staff to "kill" the story with technical language.  So much for “openness” and “accountability”.

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Top AI Scientist: AGI By 2024, ASI By 2027?

Admittedly, one of the strangest people on planet Earth, Ben Goertzel is now forecasting that Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) could be created by 2027, just three years away. ASI will exceed all knowledge, "brain power and computing power of human civilization combined."

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The American revolt against green energy has begun

The only way to protect your city or town from the destruction that always follows windmills and solar panels is to prevent their construction in the first place. Besides the eyesores, sound fatigue, pollution, dead birds, etc., your electricity rates will soar. Many cities are finally figuring this out and are saying NO MORE! 

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AI Wars: Anthropic Trys To Upstage OpenAI With Claude 3

AI was in its infancy in 2023 with a single product, ChatGPT, by OpenAI. 2024 is the explosion phase, where startup companies pop out of obscurity to surprise with even more robust AI models. Anthropic's Claude 3 joins Google's Gemini, IBM's Watsonx, Perpexity, Microsoft's Bing, and others. The battle is on to see who will be first to achieve AGI—Artificial General Intelligence. 

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When Technocrats Sunk Their Claws Into President Donald Trump And He Rolled Over

It is inconceivable that this editor missed former President Trump's Executive Order EO 13887 on September 19, 2019, titled Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States To Promote National Security and Public Health. Since then, it apparently has been swept under the carpet, virtually scrubbed from the Internet. Nevertheless, I found it, and this changes everything about Trump's role in the biggest health fiasco in our nation's existence.

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Juicy: Elon Musk Sues Sam Altman For ‘Breach Of Contract’

Musk lodged a suit against Sam Altman and OpenAI for breaching their original covenant that puts humanity over profits. Musk sees himself as the savior of humanity and doesn't want to play second fiddle to anyone, especially a young upstart like Sam Altman, who also sees himself as the savior of the world but would rush the process by first fleecing the world for trillions of dollars to fund the research

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Technocrats Claim AI Breakthrough to Generate ‘Boundless’ Clean Fusion Energy, But You Won’t Get Any Of It

If Technocrats get a free source of energy, don't think you will get one erg out of it other than what they decide to give you. Why? Because energy means economic activity and that is controlled by them. The first two requirements in the Technocracy Study Course (1934) were 1) Register on a continuous 24-hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy and 2) By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.

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EU Seeks Rule To Ban Repairs On Cars Older Than 15 Years

You have to wonder if lame-thinking Eurocrats stay awake at night trying to figure out ways to destroy the world. (You would be right.) When Technocrats cannot get their way (think EVs, Smart Grid, etc), they simply ban the alternatives and tell you that it is for your own good. Banning repairs on older cars effectively sends them to the junkyard and destroys the auto repair industry.

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