Articles by Patrick Wood

Bio-Security State: Big Pharma’s Complete Takeover OF FDA

It is inconceivable on any level that thorough testing would not be required for life-altering drugs such as experimental mRNA injections, but Big Pharma's influence over the FDA has accomplished just that, giving eugenicists full and autonomous control over human health and genome. Thus, humans are the last frontier to be conquered in the quest for total resource management, aka Technocracy.

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America Last: US Emergency Oil Reserves Sent Abroad, Including To China

The Great Reset is being accelerated by destroying flows of energy to the global economy. That US energy reserves could be sent overseas proves, despite our own domestic emergency, the point is made of who is in charge of our domestic policy, namely, global elitist Technocrats who are intent on destroying national entities.

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Huh? EU Suddenly Declares Natural Gas, Nuclear To Be ‘Climate Friendly’

Radical environmental extremists are having a total meltdown over this shock ruling that puts natural gas back on the "climate friendly" list. Natural gas is an extremely clean source of energy but radicals hate it because they (wrongly) consider it a fossil fuel. There are at least 200 years of known natural gas reserves in the world.

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Biden’s Green Agenda Puts U.S. Power Grid At Extreme Risk

Technocracy is closing in with its control over energy creation, distribution and consumption, which is a major goal dating back to the 1930s. Unreliable alternative energy is incapable of keeping the "Smart Grid" at full strength on a consistent basis, which will lead to brownouts and blackouts. The only response is to return to gas, oil, coal and nuclear.

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Devil’s Monument : Georgia Guidestones Seen Lying In Ruins after Explosion

Technocracy's handmaidens will undoubtedly take this as a direct threat to Klaus Schwab's Great Reset program that includes population reduction and control over earth's resources. Erected in 1980, the Guidestones appeared to be modeled after the Club of Rome's Limits to Growth that was published in 1972.

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San Diego Loses 22% Of Its Police Force Due To Vax Mandates

In San Diego, forcing officers to take experimental mRNA injections is more important than fighting crime and protecting citizens. This is the Technocrat mind at work: the end justifies the means, no matter what the cost along the way. The good news is, 22% of the officers have the good sense to refuse the jabs and protect their own lives.

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All New Vehicles In EU Now Have Mandated Black Boxes Installed

Technocracy's dystopia is one step closer in the EU with ubiquitous tracking of every vehicle that ferries humans from one point to another. Similar to black box data recorders used in airplanes, these go further by being continuously connected to central control authorities. Didn't pay your utility bill? Your car may not start.

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Nazi Albert Speer’s Final Nuremberg Statement On Technocracy

Hitler relied on Technocrats to prosecute his war machine that conquered nations and executed his "final solution" to get rid of genetically impure segments of society. His ultimate goal was to create a master race of super humans to live in an environmentally reset ecology. Albert Speer was sentenced to 20 years at Nuremberg for his role in Nazi Germany

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The Great Reset And Its ‘Final Solution’ For Useless People

The only question remaining is, "Who will control you?" After the Great Reset, if it gets that far, you will own nothing, the global common trust will own everything, the central banks will have a 100% monopoly on money and you will be thrown into the Metaverse for whatever enjoyment might remain. Say "No" while you still can.

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Google Spam Filter Cost Republicans $2 Billion In Lost Donors

In new evidence revealed by a study from North Carolina State University, Google selectively marks as spam conservative donation email requests, automatically dropping them into recipients' junk folder. This dirty trick potentially violates campaign finance laws an is an important means of skewing election results.

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