Articles by Patrick Wood

SEC Uses ESG Requirements To Target Small Farms

When President Biden said he would use "all of government" to enforce his suicidal green agenda, no one would have suspected that the Securities and Exchange Commission could get a hook into small farm agriculture, and yet they have. Ultimately, small farmers who do not roll over and comply will be driven out of business from over-regulation and denial of capital.

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Corporate Technocrats Use ESG To Drive Technocracy

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is a United Nations inspired global scam to drive the world into Sustainable Development (aka Technocracy), control all resources and kill capitalism and free market economics all at the same time. ESG is backed by the UN, the World Economic Forum and major investment banks.

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Landmark: Supreme Court Deals Massive Blow To Climate Change Agenda

The EPA has been illegally used as a sledgehammer to set arbitrary carbon emission levels conjured up by the global warming cabal that seeks to drive the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Since the EPA is under the authority of the President, it has escaped Congressional oversight. No more. If Congress doesn't set levels and limits, they will not be set.

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Pandemic Of The Vaccinated: Boosters Greatly Increase Risk Of Infection

Technocracy's war on humanity is being exposed for those who are willing to see it. The medical cartel, which has been totally taken over by Technocrats, refuses to back off pushing mRNA injections because it is their gateway to human biological systems and genome. The world is headed toward the largest genocidal event in history if this stranglehold is not broken.

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Dr. Jane: Exemptions Should Not Apply To Vaccines

Technocrat-inspired propaganda flips word meanings to gaslight citizens. Exemptions are granted to avoid military service. Medical treatment, including vaccinations, require your permission. Thus, securing an "vaccine exemption" makes absolutely no sense, and authorities have no authority to demand that you produce one if you choose not to be injected.

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Open Sesame: ‘Elmo Got The COVID Vaccine Today’

And then they came for the children... Sesame Street is not about entertainment or education, but rather brainwashing. If little Elmo bravely got the shot, it was for the "greater good" of protecting his family, friends and neighbors from getting sick. This lowers any resistance of families who may resist mRNA EUA injections for their children aged 6-months and up. 

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Rockefeller Agenda At Work: The Great Reset Of The U.S. Food System

The Rockefeller Foundation predicted food shortages in 2020 in a major policy paper, Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System. Was this merely predictive or was it a signal for causation? Whatever the case, it calls for cradle-to-grave management of our food system for the sake of "food security".

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Scientific Dictatorship: EU Technocrats Ignore 99% Negative Public Feedback, Renew Digital Covid Passport Anyway

The EU is run by Technocrats for Technocrats and in the case of vaccine passports, the "science is settled" and their 447 million citizens are forced to be tracked, spindled, numbered, punched and stapled. This is a clear picture of the dystopian, hardline disposition of scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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