Articles by Patrick Wood

Big Brother Banks Force Employees To Install Surveillance Software

Technocrats surveil, snoop and hoover up data because they are internally compelled to do so, and there is no such thing as "too much data". Forced compliance is the goal. Movius software is a unified phone app that allows an employer to keep and analyze all employee communication activity with clients.

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Let Them Eat Bugs: Scientists Tell Africans How To Lick Climate Change

Africa already contains the poorest people on the planet with the least economic activity, but even they would be punished for their part in causing global warming. Scientists say they should eat bugs like flies and locusts and get rid of all those smelly cattle. Meanwhile, Africa's rich resources sit in the ground and its people stay locked in the poverty cycle.

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Chinese City Turns COVID-19 App Into Digital Handcuffs For Bank Protestors

Whatever tool of repression is close at hand will suffice for Technocrat purposes. In this case the COVID-19 tracking app is being weaponized to suppress protestors who are protesting to get their rightfully-owned bank deposits back. Thus far, depositors have been cut off from 39.8 billion Yuan ($5.91 billion).

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Limited Hangout: Bill Gates And The Frame Game

Bill Gates is famous for speaking out of both sides of his mouth on an issue to lead you to a false conclusion. No, Bill, your "vaccines" have not saved millions of lives. In fact, on a net basis, they have killed a lot more people than they could have possibly saved. We see right through you, Bill Gates.

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Hundreds Of Millions Of mRNA Doses Headed For The Landfill

Big Pharma mRNA manufacturers hoovered up billions in profits as governments dump unused inventory. This boondoggle will ensure that Big Pharma will continue to come back to the feeding trough again and again until the world says "No more!". In the meantime, injuries and deaths are piling up but that apparently does not outweigh the gargantuan profits.

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FDA Vaccine Advisory Panel Voted 21-0 To Give Unapproved mRNA Shots To Children As Young As Six Months Old

Insanity begets more insanity as the Big Pharma-dominated drug industry steamrolls FDA-Unapproved mRNA shots for children between 6 months and 6 years. The mRNA injections remain in experimental purgatory, lacking safety testing and properly conducted clinical trials. Cries of protest are coming from more rational scientists and doctors to stop this madness.

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China Fully Automates Cloning Of Pigs

Because of a lack of ethical or moral boundaries, China leads the world in radical gene editing and cloning technology. To bolster pork production, a fully automated process has been developed to rapidly clone pigs. The human incubators of Huxley's Brave New World don't seem that far off now.

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Moderna: Hacking The Software Of Life With mRNA Injections

Originally named ModeRNA, Moderna is a cesspool of transhuman thought: "We are actually hacking the software of life. We think about it as an operating system. So if you could actually change that, if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out it has profound implications for everything."

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Digital Identification Is Central To Total Control

Requirements  #4 and #5 listed in the Technocracy Study Course (1938) state, “Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used" and “Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.”  This is only possible with a universal ID system.

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CRISPR Fried Chicken: Genetically Engineered Hens Made to Kill Their Male Chicks

Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is a demonstrated or logical reason to do so. My presentation for the Crimes Against Humanity Task Force emphasizes the total takeover of all genetic material on earth. If not stopped, these megalomaniac scientists will destroy all life on planet earth.

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