Articles by Patrick Wood

Study: Unvaccinated Had Lower Hospitalizations, Lower Rates Of Severe Disease

This study shows further evidence that if the Big Pharma/medical cartel had just left the world alone, that the health of people around the world would have been a lot better off. Notably, the extreme discrimination and vilification of the unvaccinated caused significant mental health problems, however, exacerbating the the overall problem.

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WHO And WEF Elitists Coordinate The ‘Great Reset’

WEF in Davos kicks off with “The future is not just happening. The future is BUILT, by US. By a powerful community, as you here, in this room.”  The overinflated ego of Technocrats and Transhumans is beyond description, but if these madmen are not stopped, the world as we know it is over. 

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Warning: Bush’s North American Union Is Back From The Dead

From 2005-2009, this editor fought tooth and nail to derail George Bush's Security and Prosperity Partnership that sought to merge Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into a unified region like the EU. We succeeded and the whole initiative was officially dropped in August 2009. Well, it's back but coming from Mexico this time. Buckle up.

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Oil Billionaire: ‘Somebody’s On Path To Destruct America’

Finally, a billionaire gets the big picture that "Somebody's on the path to destruct America". The mother of all economic destructions is taking place because energy is intentionally being withdrawn from the economy. All economic activity is directly proportional to the amount of available energy. This is the scorched-earth policy of the WEF's Great Reset at work.

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The Last Stage Of Tyrannical Technocrat Takeover

Dr. Naomi Wolf's new book, The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human”nails the war against humans and humanity. Today, America needs to take courage and exhibit bravery to stand up to the Technocrat tyrants who are trying to take over the world.

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Science Denier Anthony Fauci: America’s High Priest Of Scientism

Scientism is a hideous religious proposition that science is god and thus requires a priesthood of scientists to administrate its dictates upon mankind. Anthony Fauci is a perfect example of such a high priest, declaring that the rest of us are too ignorant or stupid to understand the high things of his science. However, we know from other sources that Fauci is an empty suit of fraud and corruption.

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Amazon’s Dystopian System for Tracking Workers Every Minute of Their Shifts

Imagine a society that is run like an Amazon warehouse: every move recorded and analyzed by AI for instant correction. "Do what we say immediately, or you are terminated." These Technocrat slavers are the same people who are engineering society to be subservient to their twisted, inhuman ideology. Is this the future you want?

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Hohmann: How Technocrats Use Cities To Create Digital Slaves

Prisoners of war are slaves when put into concentration camps. Modern cities are headed in that direction as ubiquitous surveillance and monitoring technology is merged into the human condition via implants, wearables and ingested sensors. Add to that the totally immersive Metaverse and you have a perfect recipe for outright slavery. 

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Mercola: Fomenting Hatred Is A Propaganda Tool Of Tyrants

"With COVID, it took barely two months for society to go from 'we’re all in this together,' to declaring half the population subhuman." Orwell's 1984 featured "Two Minutes Hate" every morning to stir up hatred against a mythical enemy, thus leaving only love for Big Brother. The world is now in perpetual war.

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