Articles by Patrick Wood

Lived A Good Life? Globalists Suggest Get Out Of The Way “For the Children”

Global elitists have long sought population reduction in order to save remaining resources for themselves. Now, propaganda is emerging that suggests old people should consider getting out of the way for the sake of the children. Any society that would kill its young while still in the womb will have no problem in setting up euthanasia centers to kill the elderly

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Disconnect: Trump-Endorsed Oz’ Deep Connections With World Economic Forum

As votes are recounted in a very close GOP primary in Pennsylvania, some voters are trying to reconcile former President Donald Trump's endorsement of Dr. Mehmet OZ, who was named a "Global Leader of Tomorrow" by the World Economic Forum in 1999. The WEF's Great Reset ideology is anathema to the "America First" political philosophy.

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Arizona’s Turncoat Attorney General Shredded All Hope For Election Integrity

In the most despicable display of political and legal malfeasance in recent memory, Arizona's Republican Attorney General, Mark Brnovich, balked on pursuing criminal charges based on evidence surfaced during the exhaustive election audit following the 2020 presidential election of Joe Biden.

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Is Google’s DeepMind AI Close To ‘Human-Level’ Intelligence?

Google's hype on DeepMind exceeds reality in achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). According to Tristan Greene of TheNextWeb, "It's not a general AI, it's a bunch of pre-trained, narrow models bundled neatly." What is certain is Google's ability to 'make it so' and fool a public that cannot distinguish between magic and reality.

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Mask Redux: Apple Mandates Face Diapers For Employees In 100 U.S. Retail Stores

Don't think for a minute that the face mask controversy in America is over. Apple continues its dystopian ways by reinstating masks for employees, even though the ineffectiveness of masks has been thoroughly established. It is now just a matter of political will, arbitrarily forcing employees to submit whether they want to or not.

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Neo-Con War Monger Insanity: ‘Monkeys With Matches In A Room Full Of Dynamite’

This essay is a bit of a ramble, but it brings up all the right points. The Technocrat loonies who are in charge of the world are doing everything they can to destroy it. Are they just idiots or are we all being played by a larger misinformation campaign to keep from looking in the right places? The Trump enigma is especially concerning.

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Fully Vaccinated Prone To Developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

The mRNA injections produced by Moderna, Pfizer, etc. all directly meddle with immune system functions. Based on government supplied data, they are now being linked with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Watch Big Pharma and their hoard of fact checking trolls jump on this with screams of denial and feigned outrage.

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Bio-Engineered Breast Milk Titans: Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Branson

If a natural, life-essential product exists anywhere in nature, Technocrats will seek to recreate it in a laboratory. This includes breast milk, meats and all types of food, drugs, etc. Specifically, they have usurped the role of "intelligent design" but it is in image of their own eyes, and not God's.

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The Great Reset Now Includes ‘Genetically Edited’ Food

This article unequivocally confirms my topic at the Crimes Against Humanity tour: "The Takeover Of All Genetic Material On Earth", which is shocking in scope and consequence. These megalomaniac scientists have been methodically plotting this uninvited takeover in earnest since 1992.

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Wildfire Threat Score Now Assigned To Every Home In America

Is there truly an increase in risk of wildfire destroying your home? And if so, is it due to global warming? Your answers don't really matter because you have already been assigned a "threat score" that will used by investors, real estate agents, insurance companies, bankers and mortgage companies to charge you more or less depending on their findings.

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