Articles by Patrick Wood

The Trilateral Commission’s Domination Of U.S. Science Policy

The former Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, is a member of the elitist Trilateral Commission and the biggest powerhouse in Washington, DC to direct taxpayer dollars into AI and transhuman research. Egregious conflicts of interest abound but nobody has the power to throw Schmidt and his gang of Transhumanists out of pubic policy.

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When Language AI Meets Propaganda, No One Is Safe

When AI can generate intelligent and compelling articles and stories, there will be no limit to the amount of propaganda that can be spewed out. Additionally, when this AI is coupled with your profile data. that propaganda can be tailored specifically for you. One major learning source? Wikipedia.

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Mercola: Dismantling The Transhumanist Agenda

Transhumanism represents the "Great Reset" of humans in the same vein that Technocracy will reset the economic, social and governance of society. Hacking the human genome will have disastrous effects on our long-term survival. COVID injections based on mRNA represent the first major effort to artificially transform the human body into a dependent and controllable entity.

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Ukraine War Continues Supply Chain Crisis After Pandemic

The destruction of the global supply chain continues unabated. This is essential to reduce the global economy to ashes prior to "building back better" after the Great Reset. The WEF's new world order will have a radically redesigned supply chain as well as a redesigned monetary system; it will all be digital and based on blockchain.

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Fauci: “You Use Lockdowns To Get People Vaccinated”

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of NIH, the real reason for lockdowns is not to contain the spread of a virus, but rather to force people to get vaccinated. This is a blunt admission on his part, but it suggests that the "great panic of 2020" was less about a virus and more about taking EUA injections.

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Fully Vaxxed Are Three Times More Likely To Die From COVID

Crimes against humanity are being played out in plain sight. Big Pharma knew exactly what they were doing in promoting dangerous mRNA injections, then withheld informed consent and spewed out endless propaganda on how safe it was for all groups. Critics, whistle blowers and the vaccine hesitant were demonized and pilloried for daring to tell the truth.

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Robert Reich: Former Trilateral Commission Member Goes Full Anti-Free Speech

Legal icon Jonathan Turley takes Robert Reich to task on his anti-free speech screed. Reich is a prominent, former member of the Trilateral Commission. An academic, he has floated in and out of government for 45 years and was named  by Time magazine as one of the "Ten Best Cabinet Members" of the century in 2008.

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UN/WEF Call For New Global Social Contract With ‘No One Left Behind’

The global technocrat plan requires that everyone participate. Outliers are not allowed and are seen as a threat to the "system", and therefore must be wrapped in or eliminated. Nobody outside of the UN and WEF has asked for a new "Social Contract" that would bind everyone into a scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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Crimes Against Humanity Tour To Explode Global Pandemic Narrative

Wherever you are and whatever you do, I need your help in the War On Technocracy. Those of us who participated in the international Grand Jury of Public Opinion are just about to start a nine-city Crimes Against Humanity Tour of the United States to present our findings. We are fearlessly moving forward with this, and we need fearless people to promote attendance right away! Plan to attend yourself and bring friends!

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Robert Epstein: Big Tech Manipulation Still In Control Of Election Outcomes

While Americans continue to obsess over Dominion voting machines flipping votes, the 800 pound gorilla in the living room is ignored: that is, Big Tech and especially Google. These companies are manipulating millions of votes during every election cycle with virtually untraceable and undetectable AI techniques, and NOTHING is being done to stop them!

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