Articles by Patrick Wood

Mercola: Programmable Digital Currency Is Cornerstone Of Total Control

Mercola hit the nail squarely on the head: "Technocracy is the proverbial operating system for the “superclass,” a centralized global elite that is working toward securing the exclusive ownership of all the world’s assets, reducing the rest of us to indebted serfs." This self-appointed "superclass" of Technocrats must be removed from all public policy.

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Our Common Agenda: “Multilateralism With Teeth”

The UN'sOur Common Agenda is common to no one except themselves. It is propagandaized to stampede the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Key to their plan is the total digitalization of the entire world and the UN is morphing into its new post-reset form. This is a must-read article.

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Giant Robot Catches Unmasked Travelers At Dallas Airport

Technocrats are in their heyday as the implement new AI robots to actively control people. These new robots can harvest and analyze data, determine where you are "disobedient" and then take action to force you to comply.  It can also report what it determines to be suspicious activity to authorities.

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Lawless Frontier: Crime And Punishment In The Metaverse

The Metaverse will ultimately become a cesspool of destructive human activity as there are no laws to temper behavior. Already, there have been realistic sexual assaults that have gone unchallenged, and yet left young women traumatized. Laws don't protect avatars or software code.

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Lockdowns, Not The Pandemic, Created Havoc

Medical Technocrats armed with pseudo-science demanded policies that had little or no relationship to the COVID virus. Were it not for these policies, the virus would have swept through causing natural immunity and the global economy would still be intact. These are the makers of intentional war, not merely coincidental damage

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769 Athletes Have Collapsed During Competition In Past Year Alone

Technocracy News & Trends declared war on Technocracy on December 18, 2015 because Technocracy had declared war against the entire planet. Now, dead bodies are everywhere and still the world yawns. Check out the Crimes Against Humanity Tour where I will be speaking soon in nine cities across America.

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Mosquitoes With Synthetic DNA Scheduled For California Release

From its inception, Oxitec has been closely aligned with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Experiments with synthetic and transgenic genes that kill the offspring of female mosquitoes does not bode well for humanity as the technology has already fallen into the hands of eugenic ideologues (e.g., Bill Gates) who are already bent on population reduction. Furthermore, arbitrarily killing off of one species affects the whole ecologic system.

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Churches Are Receiving Federal Grant Funds To Promote Covid Injections

Many churches are being coopted into the Technocrat/Transhuman goal of hacking the human genome, which is rapidly morphing into the greatest genocidal episode in the history of the world. Some churches promote injections for free while others do it to receive federal funds. Most Christians trust their church to protect them from the storms of life, both internal and external

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The Role Of Henry Kissinger In Spawning The World Economic Forum

Comedic relief is sometimes the best way to understand complex topics, but it's no laughing matter that Klaus Schwab's oldest mentor is Trilateral Commission founding member, Henry Kissinger, who was also a prime architect of the Commission's self-declared New International Economic Order. Thus, it's no surprise the the WEF and Trilateral Commission are in perfect alignment for the Great Reset.

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