Articles by Patrick Wood

WHO Treaty Seeks Total Control Over Global Health

The World Health Organization, a thinly disguised proxy for Big Pharma and corporate interests who push for Technocracy, is going for all the marbles: creating a global treaty that would cede all power to the UN/WHO to mandate injections, vaccine passports and total surveillance.

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You’ll Be Transhuman Whether You Like It Or Not

Transhumans and Technocrats, joined at the hip like Siamese twins, are bent on taking over the entire world and all genetic life within it. Moderna, et al, have successfully invaded human flesh to hack the "software of life". They are now using AI to create endless, artificially synthesized mRNA shots to continually hack the "software of life." This is a must-read article.

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Military Looks For AI To Replace Decision-Making On Battle Field

Left unchecked, artificial Intelligence will eventually subsume all areas of life on earth, including health, population management and warfare. As the wounded are harvested from battlefields, AI is now sought for performing triage to decide which soldiers to treat first who are deemed to be "savable", potentially leaving others to die.

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Eric Schmidt: The Real Brains Behind Biden’s Science Office

Biden has thrown open the doors of power of science and health care to Eric Schmidt, former Alphabet and Google chairman and member of the Trilateral Commission. Schmidt is heir apparent to Henry Kissinger, a founding member of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Fauci, Gates and Collins are figureheads of health tyranny, but Schmidt may be the principal director.

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Oxymoron: Christian Transhumanism Is Trending

There are no common points of belief between Transhumanism and Christianity, but that doesn't stop the Christian Transhuman movement from throwing in together. The resulting rhetoric doesn't make sense to either side, nor to the public-at-large.

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Defense Department ‘Encryption Keys’ Found On Hunter Biden’s Laptop

If any Washington outsider were ever caught with DOD encryption keys in their possession, they would flee for their life like Edward Snowden who fled to Russia. For Joe Biden's son, however, barely anyone raises an eyebrow.  Who gave the codes to Biden in the first place? Nobody knows and nobody seems to  care.

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Jonathan Turley: DOJ Accused Of Blatant, Vindictive Assault On Free Speech And Free Press

An important part of Technocracy's war against humanity is shutting down Free Speech. In America, the FBI and Department of Justice were weaponized against both Free Speech and Free Press as they attacked Project Veritas staff over a lost diary belonging to President Biden's daughter. The staff never used the diary and had already turned it over to law enforcement.

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When You Die: Burial, Cremation Or… Composting?

When your body is thoroughly composted, your loved ones can pick up the soil. One wife decided to share her composted husband with their friends: "A lot of people got a little piece of him." When you spread the compost on your vegetable garden, you can tell your dinner guests that the lettuce is literally courtesy of uncle Milt.

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US Government Paid News Media $1 Billion For Propaganda to Promote mRNA Vaccines

Your own tax dollars have been weaponized against you. Technocrat overlords at Big Pharma directed the U.S. government to spend $1 billion of your tax dollars to sell billions of dollars worth of mRNA-based injections. Collectively, the overall health of America declined, people died and lives were shattered.

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