Articles by Patrick Wood

NIH Director Francis Collins Ordered “Takedown” Of The Great Barrington Declaration

It was NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins, who orchestrated the attempted "quick and devastating published takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration that has been signed by no less than 62,000 health professionals and over 850,000 citizens from 44 countries. This is not only an egregious attack on Free Speech, but should also qualify as a criminal conspiracy.

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Corbett: Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny

This editor has demonstrated for 45 years that the global elite are uniformly boastful in laying out their timeline for the future of their strategies to conquer the world. They are not hard to find but not if you are not looking for them in the first place. James Corbett understands Technocracy and every word of this article is well worth reading.

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NYPD Sued Over Illegal Collection And Storage Of Citizens’ DNA

Technocrats love to work within a large police force because it is authoritarian and prone to concealment of miscreant policies such as maintaining a DNA database on innocent citizens. This blatantly violates state and national law plus the U.S. Constitution itself. Technocrats crave and hoard data like an addict craves and hoards heroin.

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Phase 2: Technocracy’s War On Humanity

In war, diversionary strategies are legendary: trick the enemy into thinking you are doing one thing, while you secretly do another thing to sneak up from another direction and clobber them. Technocracy is at war with the world since January 2020 with the introduction of COVID. Now, the next phase is underway and you will never see it if you look directly at Russia or Ukraine.

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Robot Trucks Could Replace 500K Jobs In U.S.

Crisis after crisis provides opportunities for Technocrats to advance their cause of automating everything in society. The twisted, illogical response to a 60,000 driver shortage is to displace  500,000 workers with robot trucks. One robot maker exec says it's "pretty exciting."

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How Technocrats Dabble: Killer AI Invented 40,000 ‘Lethal Chemical Weapons’ In Just Six Hours

Scientists with legitimate concern for people and humanity are rightly terrified by the outcome of this experiment. Technocrats not so much. In the wrong hands, the power of AI could be used to destroy all life on earth. The development of the atomic bomb pales in comparison.

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